Interest Rate Gloom
The Bank of England lowered interest rates from 5% to 4.75% on 7 November. This was widely expected. Like many landlord colleagues, I am very
The Bank of England lowered interest rates from 5% to 4.75% on 7 November. This was widely expected. Like many landlord colleagues, I am very
All eyes were on Capital Gains Tax in Rachel Reeves’ first budget on 30 October 2024. As had been widely expected, rates for the disposal
Keir Starmer and his colleagues have tied themselves in knots over their use of the term ‘working people.’ It has made the government look out
It’s hard to escape the gloom and doom at the moment. From strikes to cost of living crisis, rising interest rates for landlords and homeowners
Landlords and lenders marked the 25th anniversary of the Buy To Let loan on 24 September 2021. Way back in 1996 the Association of Residential
Perplexed friends frequently ask me for help with mortgages. I am happy to oblige and then pass them on to a good broker if they
Covid 19 has affected landlords in several ways this year. My most striking memory is of the anxiety that many of us experienced at the
The Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced in his Summer statement that the 0% rate of stamp duty would be increased from £125,000 to £500,000 until 31
It’s a very anxious time for landlords as we wait to see if tenants will be paying their rent this month. Part of the problem
The UK is in lockdown and many businesses have ground to a halt. How is this affecting landlords and how can you get support? The
The Bank of England lowered interest rates from 5% to 4.75% on 7 November. This was widely expected. Like many landlord colleagues, I am very