Too Many Levers
If you own four or more properties, brace yourself for the latest tranche of buy to let criteria being introduced by lenders as a result
If you own four or more properties, brace yourself for the latest tranche of buy to let criteria being introduced by lenders as a result
1. Regulation of Buy To Let Mortgages The rise in Buy To Let mortgages from 5% in 2009 to 16% of mortgage lending in 2016
Big changes are afoot with buy to let lending that will make it increasingly difficult to get a loan. If like me, you refinance several
At just over five weeks since the EU referendum, the Westminster village has calmed and one or two senior political figures have even gone on
It is nearly a year since the Summer budget when Osborne announced the first raft of punishing tax changes for the UK’s 1.7 million landlords,
We had a great debate at an NLA meeting in Tower Hamlets in the heart of London’s East End last Thursday, reflecting on the recent
Imagine a perfect world where all properties were freehold. Unfortunately in England, this scenario doesn’t exist. The main advantage of buying freehold is that you
Do you remember the news headlines about interest rates just over a month ago? On 17 July 2015, The Governor of the Bank of England
The chancellor pulled a number of rabbits out of the hat in his Summer 2015 budget statement. Although many column inches had been dedicated to
I’m always keen to encourage people to research their own buy to let mortgages, but there’s no doubt it can be very daunting. There are
The Bank of England lowered interest rates from 5% to 4.75% on 7 November. This was widely expected. Like many landlord colleagues, I am very