Jeremy Corbyn & Your Property Business
Many in the landlord community viewed Ed Milliband’s proposals for the private rented sector with derision and after a short post election honeymoon period we
Many in the landlord community viewed Ed Milliband’s proposals for the private rented sector with derision and after a short post election honeymoon period we
The chancellor pulled a number of rabbits out of the hat in his Summer 2015 budget statement. Although many column inches had been dedicated to
The National Landlord’s Association announced in December 2013 that half of landlords say they will not consider letting to tenants on benefits: 52% according to
Channel 4 News invited Diane Abbott MP and myself to debate housing issues this week. The discussion included welfare reform and rent controls. You can
There has been a worrying increase in calls for rent controls recently. The Labour Party Private Housing Policy Review in December 2012 calls for annual
I chair the regular NLA London Regional seminar sponsored by Edmund Cude at the Institute of Directors. This month we were looking at the un-joined-up
Over 660,000 tenants will be affected by the government’s bedroom tax – or under occupancy penalty to give it its official title – from 1
The absurdity of Newham’s borough wide licensing scheme became clear this week as it emerged that of the estimated 35,000 privately rented properties in the
Welfare Reform Minister, Lord Freud, spoke at the National Landlords Association conference in the Midlands on 31 October 2012. He was concise, thoughtful, engaging and
I’ve been to six welfare reform presentations in different boroughs across London and the picture is extremely worrying. Major changes in benefits regimes are all
The Bank of England lowered interest rates from 5% to 4.75% on 7 November. This was widely expected. Like many landlord colleagues, I am very